How to generate leads for your Accounting Firm?

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How to generate leads for your Accounting Firm?
  • Vidit Agarwal
  • July 23, 2022

Generating leads has become an essential aspect of marketing and growing your firm. To generate a good number of leads, you must follow the latest market trends other firms are adopting. There are various methods you can use to generate leads and increase the number of sales.


Advertising can make a significant impact on the overall business, and the right advertising strategy can contribute to growth. In the present era, social media advertising can help accounting firms to grow swiftly. A firm can gain leads via Facebook ads, Instagram ads, website advertising, and landing pages. These forms of advertisement are currently on the rise and work on algorithms, generating more and more engagement.


If a client buys a specific product or service and likes it, the firm can ask them to refer and review the service or product. Referrals are an easy way to get traffic and customers willing to pay. One can classify the client base to generate specific leads depending on the industry. Like approaching a specific section of your clients, who are indirectly or directly related to your business, such as agents, accountants, lawyers, realtors, and your family and friends. The firm can also ask for testimonials from their clients to create a sense of authenticity for new buyers.

Content Marketing

Everyone knows how crazy the concept of content marketing is. Today, everything is somehow content, so it is pretty easy to make content if you already belong to or have a particular niche. A firm can create content for accountants, students, know-how, tips, and tricks and publish and present to your audience online.

One of the best ways to generate leads is by making informative videos and Instagram reels on different relevant concepts of accounting. Any firm can use technologies like SEO to optimise your content like keywords, key phrases, etc., to rank better, which ultimately, in turn, will help you gain leads.


Hiring Affiliates or paid promoters can reach out to influencers and affiliates to help you generate leads by paying a certain amount or a few percentages of earnings made by their campaigns and shout-outs. Social media influencers have a large audience base, and people trust them, making it easy to convince them to try your accounting services and products.

There are various other methods that you can try to generate more and more leads, such as using Q/As, providing industry-specific services, answering queries, promotional emails, etc.